Monday, January 13, 2014

Living with Christ Morning Prayer

Living with Christ Morning Prayer
January 13, 2014
St. Hilary

They left their nets and followed him.

Jesus, I've always been surprised
by how quickly your disciples
left their nets to follow you.

I know there's symbolism here,
but sometimes I wonder if they left so quickly
because they weren't very good fishermen.
After all, in the gospels they never seem
to catch a fish without your help.
And following you probably seemed easier
than the backbreaking work of hauling nets.

The gospels don't show them
as very good disciples either-
Not until you pour out your Spirit upon them.

Jesus, sometimes things
in my life and work drive me crazy
and make me think it would be nice
to drop it all and run away.

Help me to remember that the disciples
left behind their nets,
but not their lives as fishermen.
In the same way, you don't ask me to run
from who I am, but to take who I am
and put it at the service of your Kingdom.

So I follow you, Lord, but it isn't easy,
And I fear that I, too, am often
not a very good disciple.

Pour out your Spirit on me too, Jesus,
Inspire me to follow you more closely today,
and every day of my life.

For a prayer for today from St. Ignatius of Loyola, see page 192 in the January issue of Living with Christ.

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