Living with Christ Morning Prayer
January 6, 2014
Saint André Bessette
Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Lord Jesus,
sometimes I have problems
with the word "repent."
I go to Mass,
I give to the poor,
I love my family,
and try, when I can, to love others.
I'm not perfect by any means,
but I see no reason to wallow in guilt.
Basically, I am a good person.
And yet, in Matthew's gospel,
the first word you speak
to the people is "repent."
And you also tell us immediately
why this is so important:
because the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Help me to see, Lord, why repentance
is so important to the Kingdom.
I know I am, like most people, basically good,
and you love me, no matter what.
But because you love me,
you never stop urging me
to live your life more fully and deeply.
Jesus, help me to think about this
as I go about my business today.
And help me to be honest with myself and repent
when I fall short of what you want for me;
And then, Jesus, please heal me as you healed the crowds.
Help me always to follow you,
for wherever you are, there is the Kingdom.
For a prayer for today from St. Richard of Chichester, see page 190 in the January issue of Living with Christ.
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