Saturday, January 25, 2014

Living with Christ Morning Prayer

Living with Christ Morning Prayer
January 25, 2014
The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle

These signs will accompany those who believe...

Lord Jesus, I have not driven out demons.
I'm not very good at languages.
I avoid snakes.
I know that if I drink something deadly,
I'll probably die.
And though I'd love to be able
to lay hands on sick people and heal them,
sharing a hug is often the best I can do.

Would it be terrible to rewrite this list of signs?
How about:
They will give of themselves for love of others.
They will share with those in need,
even if they themselves are in need.
They will act with honesty and integrity,
especially when it costs.
They will stand up for the weak and vulnerable
even when they stand up alone.
They will struggle to forgive all who hurt them.
They will seek forgiveness
for the wrongs they have done to others.
They will treat their opponents
with compassion and respect.
They will not return violence for violence.
They will do their best to comfort the sick and sorrowful.
They will learn to turn their own sufferings
over to the cross of Christ.
They will never lose hope,
no matter how big life's shocks may be.

It still sounds pretty impossible, Lord,
but with your help, I'll give it a try today.
Help me believe...

Prayer for Today 

Send upon us, O God, the Spirit of sevenfold grace: the Spirit of Wisdom, enabling to relish the fruit of the tree of life, which is indeed yourself; the gift of Understanding: to enlighten our perceptions; the gift of Strength: to withstand our adversary's onslaught; the gift of Knowledge : to distinguish good from evil by the light of your holy teaching; the gift of of Piety; to clothe ourselves with charity and mercy; the gift of Fear; to withdraw from all ill-doing and live quietly in awe of your eternal majesty. These are the things for which we ask. Grant them for the honor of your Holy Name, to which, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, thanksgiving, renown and lordship for ever and ever. Amen.
- Saint Bonaventure

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