Friday, January 3, 2014

Living with Christ Morning Prayer

Living with Christ Morning Prayer
January 3, 2014
The Most Holy Name of Jesus

Now I have seen and testified...

Lord Jesus,
unlike John,
I was not born of a mother
well past the age of childbearing.
My father was not rendered temporarily
speechless by the command of an angel.
As an infant in my mother's womb,
I did not leap for joy when
you and your mother, Mary, approached.

My clothing and my diet are not
heavily laden with
Old Testament symbolism.
And, as much as I would like to,
I have never seen the Spirit
come down from the sky like a dove.

But I have been baptized into
your life, death, and resurrection.
I have been given a share of your Spirit.
And at every Mass you feed me with your own
Body and Blood, so that I might live in you,
share your divine life, and bring you to a world
full of hunger and longing.

Jesus, John testified to what he saw.
help me, like John, to testify
to what I see-
and to what I am-in you.
Give me wisdom to know
what to say and what to do.
Help me live, today,
with you, in you
and through you.

For a prayer for today from St. Bernard of Clairvaux, see page 189 in the January issue of Living with Christ.

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