Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Big Event Is Coming, Make Room for Him!

The Big Event Is Coming, Make Room for Him!

Every year, Christians preparation for Christmas seems to begin early. We wait in joyful anticipation and hope of the feast of Christmas. We know that the spark of divine life is within each of us, yearning to reach out in acceptance, openness and availability.

In the Philippines, it normally starts in September and ends the following year, in January during the feast of our Lord's Epiphany. We are mesmerized by the decorations, lights, people shopping; they simply must have the latest new things if Christmas is to be a meaningful celebration to them. 

But this event we have been preparing to celebrate started in such humility and simplicity. The Child JESUS was born in a stable in Bethlehem and was laid in a manger, without any trappings of wealth or big celebrations and fame. The Child JESUS was born to a young, unknown woman, who eagerly and silently reflected on her role in GOD's plan of salvation. The first known people, who learned of His birth were poor shepherds tending their flocks in the darkness of the night.

Christmas is not about new clothes, food that we have to prepare and cook and such lavish home decorations. The Feast of Christmas calls us to make space for our GOD of unconditional, abounding love. He knows us before we were born and calls us to live, to love, and to extend love to others.

In order for us to be authentic followers of JESUS, we must humble ourselves, be faithful to the mission and service entrusted to us and always make room for Him in our hearts. We must go beyond the clamor surrounding us to what lies at the heart of the good news, the joy and peace that JESUS brings for the whole world, which we joyfully proclaim in His mighty name and in every age.

May you have joyfull and blessed Christmas,--
Tony (Evelyn) Paña
Catholic Parishioners of St. Francis Cathedral
Metuchen Archdiocese
Member: Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life (CFC-FFL)

"LORD JESUS, I place all my trust and hope in you. Come and stay with me and take possession of my heart and soul that I may fully desire what is pleasing to you. Fill my heart with love and mercy for others that I may fully witness to the truth and joy of the gospel through word and example, both to those who accept it and to those who oppose it."  

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