Living with Christ Morning Prayer
February 5, 2014
St. Agatha
Where did this man get all this?
Lord Jesus,
I fear I am like your neighbors--
it's still easier to see holiness in
the lives special people like saints and popes
than in the day-to-day lives most of us lead.
Today, Jesus, help me
to open my eyes
to the everyday holiness
all around me.
And help me to pray:
For spouses,
that they may grow in holiness through
their self-giving love for one another.
For parents,
that they may grow in holiness
through their self-giving love
for their children.
For single persons,
that they may grow in holiness
through their self-giving love for
family, friends, and the world.
For clergy,
that they may grow in holiness
through their self-giving love
for their people.
For religious,
that they may grow in holiness
in their self-giving love
for one another in their communities
and for the people they serve.
For workers and businesspeople
that they may grow in holiness
through their work.
Lord, no matter our vocation,
help us to answer your call
to grow in holiness;
help us all to be models
of self-giving love for one another
and to pass it on to the next generation,
so that the love we learn to practice
may spread throughout the world.
Prayer for Today
O Lord, penetrate those murky corners where we hide memories and tendencies on which we do not care to look, but which we will not disinter and yield freely up to you, that you may purify and transmute them. The persistent buried grudge; the half-ackonowledged enmity which is still smoldering the bitterness of that loss we have not turned into sacrifice; the private comfort we cling to; the secret fear of failure which saps our initiative and is really inverted pride; the pessimism which is an insult to your joy.
O Lord, we bring all these to you, and we review them in your steadfast light. Amen.
- Evelyn Underhill
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