Living with Christ Morning Prayer
February 11, 2014
Our Lady of Lourdes
Why do your disciples not follow the tradition of the elders...?
Jesus, why are you so angry here?
Their question seems reasonable.
Because all Jews wash their hands,
why wouldn't people wonder
why your disciples don't?
Of course, Jesus, you go
way beyond hand washing here.
You challenge all the unquestioned
cultural assumptions that
can keep us from recognizing
injustice in our midst.
I wonder, Lord, did any of the Pharisees
go home that day asking themselves,
perhaps for the first time,
if the practice of qorban was just?
Jesus, sometimes I am so used
to the way things are
that I tend to think that this
is the way God wants them to be.
In all I do today, and every day,
Help me to listen to God's voice.
Help me to see the world as God sees it.
Help me to live as God wans me to live.
In all things, Lord, help me
to discern wisely and act courageously.
Prayer for Today
O Virgin, fair as the moon, delight of the angels and saints in heaven, grant that we may become like you and that our souls may receive a ray of your beauty, which does not decline with the years but shines forth into eternity. O Mary, sun of heaven, restore life where there is darkness. Turn your countenance to your children and shine on us your light and your fervor. Amen.
- Venerable Pope Pius XII
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