Sunday, December 8, 2013

Living with Christ Morning Prayer

Living with Christ Morning Prayer
December 8, 2013
Second Sunday of Advent

You brood of vipers!

Lord, I can see why John the Baptist
doesn't make it onto many Christmas cards,
despite his prominence in Advent.

I wouldn't want to open an envelope,
expecting to see a manger scene
and see instead a wild-eyed locust eater
pointing at me and calling me a viper.

Because I'm not a viper.
I'm a good person,
educated and respectable-
just like the Pharisees, who
if I am to believe the scholars,
were no more hypocritical than I am.

But that's the point, isn't it, Jesus?
Being a "good person" isn't enough,
nor is education and respectability.

John's wild-eyed words tell me
something important about my life with you.

You are the one who lays the ax to the root,
burns the chaff, baptizes with
the Holy Spirit and fire, and who loves us
with a divine love so strong, so passionate,
that not even death can stop it.

And you invite me to join you in that love.
You are asking me to move beyond
"good person" respectability, and to love
what you love as passionately as you do.
I'm not sure I know how to do that.
And it sounds a bit scary.

Jesus, lead me gently in this Advent season.
Through all the Eucharists of my life,
give me the grace and courage
to love as you love.

For a prayer for today from St. Patrick, see page 187 in the December issue of Living with Christ.

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