Holy Love
May 23, 2013 Public "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to define for you the two Churches in existence today that call themselves 'Catholic'. First, you have the Traditional Church - sound in teaching, unwavering in dogma and doctrine. This is the Church most believe to be intact."
"In reality, the second Church - the liberal Church - calls itself 'Catholic' but parts from Sacred Tradition and does not support the True Faith. The problem is that both of these Churches say they are Catholic. It is not until the layman closely investigates the beliefs and teachings being offered that he can distinguish between traditional and liberal."
"Many just accept all as one. Therein lies the danger. To accept the opinions and decisions as equally sound opposes Truth. This is why souls must not be led astray just by the title of anyone, but look at the spirituality of who is dictating and what they dictate. Many are led astray who do not do so."
"Make certain that the one whom you obey stands for the Truth and supports the Tradition of Faith. Make certain that you are obeying one who builds up the Faith and does not tear it down."
May 24, 2013 Feast of Mary, Help of Christians "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today, I have come to help all to understand that virtue, like anything else, can become twisted to become a tool of evil. Then, of course, it is no longer virtue. Here are some examples. You may take great pains in being patient. This is a virtue. But suppose you are patient with a sinner that needs correction, but you choose patience over a work of mercy in correcting the sin. Patience ceases to have a good end but becomes Satan's trick in perpetuating the way of the sinner."
"Suppose you are asked to do something out of obedience to an authority or superior, but the outcome of this obedience would destroy a good work or put others in jeopardy. If you have not taken a vow of obedience as a religious, then you, in Truth and righteousness, must not obey, for your obedience would not serve God nor have a good end."
"In practicing every virtue, you must take stock of the fruits that it bears. Is the virtue serving God and man or could it be convoluted to further Satan's kingdom under the guise of good?"
"In Truth, always work to build up the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Be Children of the Light."
May 24, 2013 Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, accept everything that comes to you - every consequence of life, everything that My Father allows or permits in the present moment - for this is the way to move the quickest and easiest through the Chambers of Our United Hearts."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
*IMPORTANT* Please pray three prayers daily for the Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts! Click for more...
Pray the Rosary of the Unborn - The MOST POWERFUL and ULTIMATE WEAPON to End Abortion! Click for more...
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