Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter Week

Easter is the Catholic Church's most Holiest Day of the year. After more than two thousand years, we boldly declared to the world: JESUS LIVES!

In the Catholic Liturgical Calendar, Octave refers to the eight day period of Easter which begins at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday and continue through the Second Sunday of Easter. But every day is Easter, we rejoice in the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus!

Saint Augustine refers to the Octave of Easter as "days of mercy and pardon," calling the Sunday of the Paschal Octave "the summary of the days of mercy." After JESUS resurrection, He took great care to show His apostles the wounds of the Passion, most especially the wound in His heart, the source from which flows the mercy poured out on humanity.

Since April 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Church designated the final day of the Octave, the Second Sunday of Easter, as  DIVINE MERCY Sunday to celebrate the fact that JESUS still calls us to immerse ourselves in His mercy and love. 

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